Absenteeism, Tardiness and Notification

You are expected to be in your work area and ready to work at the beginning of your assigned hours, as described in your job description. Unscheduled absences, late arrivals and early departures must be kept to a minimum.

If you are unable to report to work, or if you expect to arrive late, you must notify your supervisor as far in advance of the beginning of your shift as possible. Notifying a coworker or leaving a voice message is not sufficient, unless such notification is specifically permitted by your supervisor. If you are physically unable to call, you must have someone call on your behalf and speak directly with your supervisor. As soon as you are able, you should make a follow-up call to your supervisor. Where applicable, you may be required to provide your supervisor with a doctor’s note regarding your absence, late arrival or early departure. If you fail to call your supervisor within two (2) hours of your starting time, you may not be permitted to use sick leave. You may also be subject to disciplinary action for failure to notify your supervisor.

Unscheduled and/or unexcused absences, late arrivals and early departures will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. An employee who is absent for three (3) working days without notification is deemed to have resigned voluntarily.

Absences or late arrivals covered by an employee’s use of approved family or medical leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”) are not considered grounds for disciplinary action. 

Staff Handbook