Resolution & Restorative Engagement


Welcome to the Resolution & Restorative Engagement Program!


The Office of Human Resources & Institutional Equity, in collaboration with Student Affairs, the President’s Office, and the EDI Office, is dedicated to fostering a stronger community and shifting our culture toward restoration and healing. Our work is grounded in restorative practices and serves the university through a variety of options that are adaptable to the unique needs of Tulane community members.

In 2019, the Office of Human Resources & Institutional Equity introduced a conflict resolution program to the Tulane staff and faculty community. The goal of this program was to encourage our community to take a positive, proactive approach to resolving conflicts and disputes in the workplace without the need for a formal grievance process.

As a result of the overwhelming interest in conflict resolution services and our community’s demand for alternative ways to respond to harm, in 2022, the Office of Human Resources & Institutional Equity, in collaboration with several campus partners, received funding from the President’s EDI fund to consult with the Center for Restorative Approaches to bring restorative practices training, resources, and consultation to the University. In 2023, conflict resolution services were expanded to include students.

View Restorative Dialogue Model


Indigenous History & Land Acknowledgement


Restorative practices draw from indigenous traditions worldwide. In our work, we honor indigenous history and methods for community-building and peace. As part of Tulane, we acknowledge the original inhabitants of this land.

New Orleans, once Bulbancha, an ancient trade hub, has been home to Native peoples since immemorial. We express gratitude and respect for the indigenous nations that enrich our local culture. Click here to read Tulane's Land Acknowledgement statement.


Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Values

Upcoming Events

September Series 2024


Introduction to Restorative Practices 

9:30 am - 1:00 pm 


Introduction to Restorative Practices 

9:30 am - 1:00 pm


Introduction to Restorative Practices 

9:30 am - 1:00 pm 

Overview of Restorative Practices & Tulane’s Restorative Dialogue Model


October 10th at 10 am 

via Zoom 



November 18th at 3:30 pm 

via Zoom 



December 11th at 12 pm 

via Zoom 


RP Photos