Reporting & Investigating Concerns

At Tulane, we are committed to recruiting, retaining, and advancing diverse talented individuals. In tandem with this principle, Tulane enforces a robust policy prohibiting discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. Individuals have the right to work and learn in an environment free of harassment. We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community that respects and values individual differences.

Students, staff, and faculty are strongly encouraged to promptly report concerns or allegations of discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation so that appropriate action can be taken to address the concern.

How Do You Report a Concern or Incident?

You can submit a concern online.



Who Should Report?

Employees should report allegations of possible discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation upon receiving a specific complaint or report alleging improper activity. This includes Informal complaints.

Who Must Report?

  • Supervisors or Managers must report allegations of possible discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation upon receiving a specific complaint or report alleging a violation of the Equal Opportunity/Anti-Discrimination policy. This includes:

    • Informal complaints;
    • Discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation by or against a person under someone’s supervisory authority.
  • All Employees must report alleged violations of Title IX or reportable crimes under the Clery Act.


Anonymous Reporting

We recognize that the decision to report incidents can be difficult at times and require one to consider numerous factors within our community. Nevertheless, Tulane encourages all faculty, staff, and students to report any potential violations of Tulane’s EO policy. To assist those who may not feel comfortable identifying themselves, but have valid good-faith concerns, we allow for anonymous reporting. Please know that anonymous reports are taken as seriously as any other type of report, but Tulane’s ability to respond may be limited.

Investigation Process Map

Please click the below image to view the PDF version of the Investigation Process: 

OIE Investigation Process Map

Contact Us

Email us at or call us at 504-862-8083.