Performance Review Resources


Performance Review Photo Collage

Performance review forms and supporting resources were designed to help you efficiently navigate through the review process. Please review the following resources and, if you need guidance on how to approach your performance review(s), please contact your HR Business Partner. If you have any technical questions regarding the submission process, please contact


Making the Most of Your Review

Managers may also review the HR&IE Operations Guide for the section on Annual Performance Reviews. 


Informational Webinar Recording

Want to learn more about the review process and supporting resources? Watch this webinar recording to learn tips, tricks, and best practices for how to make the most of your annual performance review.

Get Coaching with Online Video Courses

With free access for all Tulane employees, we've curated a collection of LinkedIn Learning courses related to the performance review competencies that we thought might be useful to you: LinkedIn Learning Performance Management Resources

Review Forms

*To avoid any loss of work due to idle time within the online form, we highly recommend that managers compose reviews using the 2024 Employee Review Form PDF and then copy and paste your comments into Frevvo once you are ready to submit.


Mid-Year Performance Check-In

As we approach a new academic year, we have an excellent opportunity for reflection on our goals and accomplishments, as well as areas for further growth and development. We encourage managers and their direct reports to engage in a mid-year performance check-in to discuss successes and challenges and set goals for the remaining months. Check out our guide to help you prepare for your mid-year performance check-in. 


Frequently Asked Questions

The following frequently asked questions will help managers and staff employees prepare for the annual performance review process.

General FAQs

Are there any changes to the performance reviews for calendar year 2024?

The performance review form is the same as last year with the exception of an additional notice. 

Are self-reviews required as prework for the performance review?

Although self-evaluations are not required at the organizational level, they may be required by individual managers. The use of self-evaluations is strongly encouraged to support a collaborative approach to performance management.

Where can I find my or my direct report's TUID?

The TUID number can be found by logging onto Gibson Online and going to "TU ID Search" under the Staff tab.

How are the ratings on the performance review weighted?

The Job Description competency is weighted at 50% of the final score while the other half of the score is distributed across the other three competencies.

Manager FAQs

Do I need to complete a review for part-time employees?

All full-time and part-time staff employees hired prior to October 1, 2024 must receive a performance review.

My direct report is still in their introductory period. Do I need to complete a review for them?

If an employee was hired prior to October 1, 2024, you must complete a performance review for them. The review process can facilitate performance conversations with newer employees.

My employee is currently on FMLA. How do I complete their review?

You may complete the performance review upon the employee's return from leave.

My direct report transferred to my department at the end of the year. Do I still need to complete their review?

Yes. You must complete their review and you should collect input from their previous manager.  Document their length of time in the position in the comments section of the form.

I am a new supervisor and have not worked with my direct reports very long. How do I review them?

Collect input from customers and the employee’s prior supervisor to complete the review to the best of your ability. Contact your HR Business Partner for additional guidance.

Is training available for supervisors?

Yes. There were two informational sessions scheduled via Zoom - you can watch the recording here. The sessions were open to all supervisors and managers, and were recorded for future access. You may also consider accessing some of the additional resources linked above, including the Manager's User Guide or the HR&IE Operations Guide section on Annual Performance Review. If you're in need of any additional support or guidance on review best practices, please contact your HR Business Partner

I am having trouble determining the appropriate rating for my direct report. What do I do?

Refer to the Rating Definitions for clarification on scoring. If you need additional guidance, please contact your HR Business Partner.

Do I have to upload a copy of the reviewed employee's job description with the performance review?

Yes. This is a requirement in the performance review form. If you do not have a copy of the job description, your departmental hiring manager or department administrator may have one. If they do not, please contact

How can I view my list of direct reports? 

To ensure compliance with our workplace records and reporting requirements in our HR database, you can view the supervisor hierarchy in our Human Resource Information System (or payroll system) (HCM). Managers and supervisors can view their direct reports and initiate certain employment actions by using Manager Self-Service (MSS).

Please follow the below steps:

Log in to HCM:

  • Go to Gibson and choose the EBS (TAMS and HCM) link under the Administration section. Log in to HCM and choose the Tulane Manager Self-Service link. Go to My Employees.

Confirm your direct reports:

  • For staff employees, the Supervisor or Manager is the person that supervises the employee’s day-to-day work and has the responsibility for maintaining any system authorizations pertaining to that employee.

Review your direct reports:

  • Please review the below fields on each of your direct reports' record in HCM for accuracy. Salary, Employment, working hours, etc.


Employee FAQs

How should I prepare to participate in a review?

Some basic tips for preparation include:

  • Keep in mind and document accomplishments, feedback, and training throughout the review period.
  • Complete the Employee Self-Review to organize your thoughts and reflect on the prior year’s work prior to discussing with your manager. 
  • Prepare discussion points for the review. 
  • Review the Performance Review Collection of LinkedIn Learning courses to further enhance your performance view best practices. 

Do I need to keep a copy of the completed review form?

Yes; you will receive an email copy automatically when your supervisor submits it.

What if I disagree with the ratings given by my supervisor?

You are advised to discuss your concerns with your direct supervisor.  If the concerns are not resolved with the direct supervisor, you may speak to your supervisor’s supervisor.  The decision of the supervisor’s supervisor is final.

I do not agree with my final review, and do not want to sign it. What do I do?

The employee signature acknowledges receipt but does not mean you agree with the review.  You must submit your review to your manager with your electronic signature. You are encouraged to add comments to the review, which will be included with the manager’s feedback.

Do performance reviews apply to student employees?

Performance reviews are not required or expected for student employees.


If you need guidance on how to approach your performance review(s), please contact your HR Business Partner. If you have any technical questions regarding the submission process, please contact