International Travel Insurance

For Work-Related Travel Outside the USA

Faculty and staff members assigned for work purposes to travel outside of the USA are required to register for the Aetna World Traveler plan. This plan provides coverage for work-related activities such as attending conferences, visiting other universities, and other official duties abroad. Download the brochure below. 

For Personal Travel

Please note that the Aetna World Traveler plan is exclusively for work-related travel. If you are planning a vacation or personal trip to a destination outside the USA, you are not eligible to register for this plan.

However, as a Blue Cross Blue Shield member, you can rest easy knowing that over 90% of doctors and specialists across all 50 states accept your coverage. This ensures access to quality care even during international travel. For more information on your benefits coverage, please visit this dedicated site or contact the benefits department.

Tulane's Travel Safety & Emergency Services

Additionally, as Tulane deepens its global engagement, we are pleased to offer new services for our students, staff, and faculty engaged in Tulane-related international travel. Starting January 1, 2023, Crisis24 will be Tulane's new international travel safety & emergency response provider, providing a number of services and benefits, including:

  • Emergency and urgent medical assistance
  • Medical and security evacuation services
  • Health information and advisory services
  • Medical, legal and dental locator and referral services
  • Replacement assistance for medications or prescriptions
  • Assistance with passport, visa replacement
  • Emergency messaging

For more information on Tulane-related international travel, please visit this webpage