I. Introduction

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A. Purpose of this Handbook

This Handbook is issued to staff employees of Tulane University and its controlled or affiliated entities (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Tulane” or the “University”). It provides general information about Tulane’s employment practices, including the benefits provided to you and the conduct expected from you as a staff member. It is your responsibility to become familiar with the information in this Handbook. This Handbook does not contain every policy or employment practice of the University, and the descriptions contained herein are only summaries. If you have questions or want more details on a particular practice or benefit, please contact the University’s Office of Human Resources and Institutional Equity. This Handbook supersedes all other communications, handbooks, memoranda, and notices you may have received regarding the topics covered herein. 

The content of this Handbook may be changed at any time at the sole discretion of the University. If changes are made, you will be informed as soon as possible through postings on the Office of Human Resources and Institutional Equity website, articles in University publications, or notices sent directly to you through campus mail or email. You may be asked to sign an additional acknowledgment indicating that you have been informed of the changes.

B. Employment at Will

This Handbook is not a contract, guarantee, or assurance of employment or of any right to an employment-related benefit or procedure. Your employment as a staff employee is at will. This means that your employment may be terminated, with or without cause, at any time and without prior notice, by you or by the University. This also means that the University may assign additional or different job duties to you and/or alter your job duties at any time. Any employment position that is dependent upon external funding is also at-will and may be terminated at any time. 

Your at-will employment status can only be modified by a written employment agreement signed by you and the president of the university. Your at-will employment status cannot be modified by an oral or implied agreement. Nor can your at-will employment status be modified by any University handbook, including this Handbook, or any course of conduct, practice, policy, award, promotion, performance evaluation, transfer, or your length of service.

C. University Mission Statement

Tulane’s purpose is to create, communicate, and conserve knowledge in order to enrich the capacity of individuals, organizations, and communities to think, learn, act, and lead with integrity and wisdom. 

Tulane pursues this mission by cultivating an environment that focuses on learning and the generation of new knowledge; by expecting and rewarding teaching and research of extraordinarily high-quality and impact; and by fostering community-building initiatives as well as scientific, cultural, and social understanding that integrate with and strengthen learning and research. This mission is pursued in the context of the unique qualities of our location in New Orleans and our continual aspiration to be a truly distinctive international university. We hope that you can help us more effectively pursue this mission.

D. University Administration

  1. The Board of Administrators is the ultimate governing and policy-making authority for the University. 
  2. The President is the chief executive officer of the University. The President is selected by the Board of Administrators.
  3. The Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer is responsible to the President for managing the university’s business, operating, and financial affairs. They oversee all the financial areas of the university. Together with other members of the President’s Cabinet, the Chief Operating Officer recommends the proposed annual budget for presentation to the President and approval by the Board of Administrators. They have overall supervision of the Controller, Treasurer, Internal Audit, and the operations of the University’s physical plant, facilities management, campus development, public safety, emergency preparedness, insurance and risk management, dining, mail and contracted services, technology services, human resources, and institutional equity.
  4. The Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost is the chief academic officer of the University and is responsible to the President for the administration of the entire academic program of instruction and research. Working with deans and executive directors of academic centers and institutes, they oversee faculty affairs, student affairs, research initiatives and administration, libraries and museum collections, institutional research, and the Center for Engaged Teaching and Learning. Academic initiatives are presented by the Provost to the Board of Administrators for approval. The Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost reports to the President.
  5. The Senior Vice President and Dean of the School of Medicine manages the University’s programs in medical education, medical research, and patient care, including the School of Medicine, the Tulane National Primate Research Center, the F. Edward Hebert Research Center, and the Student Health Center. The Senior Vice President and Dean of the School of Medicine report to the President as well as to the Provost.
  6. The Senior Vice President, Secretary of the University, and Chief of Staff serve as senior staff to the University President, oversee the operation of the President’s Office and the President’s Cabinet, and implement presidential decisions. In addition, they are responsible to the President for government affairs and the Board of Administrators. 
  7. The Deans conduct the affairs of each school or college. The Deans report to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost or the Senior Vice President and Dean, School of Medicine, as applicable.
  8. The University Senate is the principal agency through which members of the faculty, staff, and student body influence the policies and operations of the University as a whole.
  9. The Staff Advisory Council is a representative body through which the staff makes its concerns known to the University Senate and the Office of Human Resources and Institutional Equity.

The Staff Advisory Council is a body of elected and appointed staff employees which serves as the only officially recognized staff assembly. The Council forwards comments and suggestions concerning university policies and procedures affecting overall staff welfare to the University Senate or its subcommittees and to the Office of Human Resources and Institutional Equity. The Office of Human Resources and Institutional Equity acts as a liaison between the Staff Advisory Council and the University’s administration. 

For purposes of Council representation, the University is divided into geographical districts, and representatives are elected approximately in proportion to the number of employees in each district. Elections typically are held in May, and terms begin on July 1st. Representatives serve three-year terms. 

Tulane encourages and supports your participation in the Staff Advisory Council. Representatives are permitted to attend regular meetings of the Council and any related committee meetings during scheduled working hours. 

For more information about the Staff Advisory Council and how to become involved, please contact the Council by phone or through its website.