BCBS Benefits Debit Cards

Debit cards were mailed in December of 2019 to participants of the Health Reimbursement Account (HRA), High Deductible Health Plan with Health Savings Account (HSA), and Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA). Depending on elections(s), this card may contain multiple "accounts" as reflected below. New this year! Wellness incentives can now be earned. See chart and examples below for more details.

Plan Does card contain wellness incentives? Does card contain election amounts? When or how do I use the benefits debit card?
Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)  Yes No Wellness incentives will be loaded on a monthly basis onto the debit card as they are earned to pay out of pocket medical and pharmacy expenses for yourself and covered family members such as deductibles, co-pays and co-insurance.
High Deductible Health Plan with Health Savings Account (HSA)  Yes Yes Elections made to fund Health Savings Account during open enrollment will be payroll deducted on a pre-tax basis and loaded onto the debit card after each pay period.  Wellness incentives will be loaded on a monthly basis onto the debit card as they are earned.  Elections and wellness incentives can be used to pay qualifying expenses.
Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA)  No Yes

Your entire Flexible Spending Account annual election was loaded onto the card on January 1 and can be used to pay qualifying expenses.  Note: Using the 2020 benefits debit card will NOT exhaust your 2019 Health FSA account.

Point of Service Plan (POS) No No  Wellness incentives will be paid in the form of a gift card as they are earned.  The amount of the gift cards will be taxed through payroll and can be used for any purpose, not just qualifying medical expenses.

Example 1: If you enrolled in the HRA and FSA, you will receive only one BCBS Debit Card.  The card will be loaded with wellness incentives as you earn them and has also been loaded with your FSA annual election.  

Example 2: If you enrolled in the High Deductible Health Plan with Health Savings Account, you will receive only one BCBS Debit Card.  The card will be loaded with wellness incentives as you earn them and has will also be loaded with your HSA election after each payroll.     

Example 3: You are allowed to enroll in the Healthcare FSA account if you are enrolled in the HRA or POS plan.  If you’re enrolled in the HRA plan, the funds in the Health Reimbursement Account will be used for eligible medical and pharmacy expenses before pulling from the FSA funds.  The FSA funds can be used immediately for expenses such as dental, vision, and dependent care (if elected).  

A division within BCBS called Accrue Health administers the HRA and FSA accounts. Here are a few AccrueHealth tools that help to make it easy for you to use your new card.

  • Check your debit card balance by logging in to your My Health Toolkit account. 
  • The AccrueHealth mobile app is a handy self-service tool. Through this tool, you can get balance and plan information, view transactions and order new debit cards. You can also submit claims real time by imaging and uploading documents. Other features include point-and-click bill pay. Download it at the App Store or Google Play
  • Employees may also get answers to questions or request additional copies of cards by contacting Accrue Health at 1-833-212-0857.

If you have any questions, please contact the Benefits team at tubenefits@tulane.edu.

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