In partnership with Student Affairs and the Tulane Leadership Institute, we cordially invite you to a Resilience Workshop - Developing a Resilient Mindset. This virtual session will be facilitated by the Tracom Group during our Professional Development Day, 2022. event on March 25, from 1 - 3.00pm.
TRACOM’s Resilient Mindset program is a unique exploration of cognitive biases, those counterproductive tendencies that limit performance. It teaches practical techniques to overcome stress and change fatigue. It allows people to bounce forward from adversity and embrace change. They become more engaged, flexible and productive. Resilience training also directly supports change initiatives and wellness programs. We need to build a growth mindset and adapt our behaviors if we're going to change anything around us—our situation, our team, and our university.
Participants in this session will learn:
- What is Resiliency and why is it so important?
- What holds us back from being Resilient?
- The elements of Resilience
- Strategies to strengthen your Resilience
If you or someone in your organization would like to participate in this workshop, please RSVP to by 3.11.
Note: registration is limited to 30 participants.