Recognizing Your Employees

What is Recognition? 

Employee Recognition is the open acknowledgment and expressed appreciation for the contribution an employee makes to their organization, team, co-workers, or clients. Recognition can range from a thank you email to a shout-out at the all-staff meeting to an award. Employee Recognition is a powerful way to improve employee engagement, increase productivity, reduce turnover, boost morale, and build connections. Employee Recognition is also a great way to allow for growth opportunities by offering employee development and cross-training.

As you work towards fostering a culture of appreciation and recognition within your department, consider the following success factors:

  • Timely: Recognition should occur during or immediately after a specific positive action/behavior. Look for opportunities to highlight employee accomplishments, publicly or privately, informally or formally, when they happen, rather than by some predetermined schedule.
  • Sincere: Ensure that your recognition reflects a genuine expression of appreciation. Be authentic, and only communicate what you truly mean.
  • Relevant: Ensure that the praise is proportionate to the accomplishment, with the level of recognition matching the significance of the achievement.
  • Meaningful: Recognition should consistently reflect the university's mission and values while considering the individual's preferences. Ask about their preferred method of acknowledgment or employ a variety of approaches to ensure their efforts are recognized thoughtfully.
  • Specific: Tie the recognition to a particular behavior or action. Clearly and concisely express the praised achievement.

Explore our new guide by clicking here or clicking the photo below to learn how you can start recognizing your employees.

Recognition Guide: The Power of Recognition

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