Leverage Your Skills

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving workplace, staying ahead requires a commitment to developing and honing your skills. Investing in your skill development is an investment in your future success. You can position yourself as a valuable asset in today's competitive job market by continuously learning, adapting, and expanding your capabilities. Take ownership of your professional growth, seize opportunities for learning and development, and leverage your skills to achieve your career goals.

Start by exploring the most in-demand skills employers seek in applicants, according to LinkedIn, and start sharpening those skills. Explore the resources below to discover how to leverage your existing talents and acquire new competencies to thrive in your career.

Set Goals & Create an Individual Development Plan

Once you have identified your strengths and areas for development, set clear and achievable goals to guide your skill development efforts. Define specific objectives and timelines for acquiring new skills or enhancing existing ones. Whether mastering a new software tool, improving your communication skills, or obtaining a professional certification, having clear goals will help you stay focused and motivated on your journey.

An Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a great place to start. An IDP is a structured and dynamic document developed as a proactive approach to self-development that aligns personal aspirations with organizational objectives, fostering continuous learning, skill enhancement, and career advancement. The IDP serves as a roadmap for professional growth, guiding individuals through self-reflection, skill assessment, goal setting, and targeted development activities.

Having an honest conversation with your manager about career opportunities and your individual development plan is crucial in fostering your professional growth. To get what you want, you need to ask. Here are a few resources to help you prepare for a career conversation with your manager:

Make sure you don't end up setting and forgetting your goals. Your IDP is an ever-evolving document that changes with your aspirations and experiences. Developing your IDP and committing to the development process will unlock new opportunities for growth, fulfillment, and success.

Develop Your Skills

Developing skills in a current role is crucial for professional growth and effectiveness. Here are key points on how you can build your skills:

Leverage University Resources: Tulane likely offers a variety of professional development resources, such as workshops, seminars, and courses, that employees can attend to improve their skills. These resources may be specifically tailored to the needs of university employees and can cover a range of topics, from technical skills to leadership and communication.

Seek Feedback and Mentorship: Regular feedback from supervisors and colleagues can provide valuable insights into areas of improvement. Additionally, seeking a mentor within the university can offer personalized guidance, support, and advice to navigate career paths and skill development effectively.

Engage in Stretch Assignments and Cross-training: Taking advantage of opportunities to work in different departments or roles within the university can broaden your skill set and understanding of the institution. Cross-training also helps in building a more versatile and adaptable workforce.

Stay Updated with Industry Trends: Higher education is constantly evolving, so staying informed about the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in the field is essential. This could involve subscribing to relevant professional journals, attending industry conferences, or participating in online communities related to higher education.

By actively engaging in these development strategies, you can enhance your capabilities, contribute more effectively in your roles, and prepare for future opportunities within the university.