Parental Leave Frequently Asked Questions



What are the eligibility requirements for pay?

Benefits eligible full-time and part-time employees must be employed by Tulane at least twelve (12) consecutive months immediately preceding the birth.

Employees who have not been employed with Tulane at least twelve (12) consecutive months immediately preceding the birth may use accrued sick or vacation hours, as appropriate, or the time may be taken as unpaid, if no accruals exist

How long after the birth or adoption of a child can I take parental leave?

Parental leave allows for time off from work immediately following birth or adoption.

Can I take parental leave more than once?

Yes, but not more than 4 weeks of parental leave in a rolling 12-month period.

Can I take parental leave and family medical leave separately?

Parental leave and family medical leave run concurrently.

Can this benefit be used to cover time off for elder care or sick children?

No, this is not covered under parental leave.  Staff members may, however, use accrued sick time to care for sick parents or children and/or apply for family medical leave, if applicable.

Do I have to be married to be eligible for this benefit?

No, you do not need to be married to be eligible.

If I have a multiple birth (twins, triplets, etc.), am I eligible for more than four weeks of parental leave?

No, the parental leave benefit is only up to 4 weeks, regardless of multiple births (twins, triplets, etc.) or adopting more than one child.

Will I still receive four weeks paid leave if I do not submit the paperwork 30 days prior to the first day of leave?

Yes, the parental leave will be processed in the next scheduled pay cycle after receipt of the appropriate forms.

Does the policy apply to foster children?

No, the benefit only covers birth or adoption.

How do I apply for this benefit?

To apply for parental leave, you must complete a Parental Leave of Request form to the Office of Human Resources Leave Coordinator at least 30 days in advance of the first day of leave.

Do I still accrue vacation and/or sick leave while I'm out on leave?

Eligible employees continue to accrue time while on paid leave but not while on leave without pay.

Will the paid leave be included in my regular paycheck or a separate check?

The paid leave will be in your regular paycheck provided you requested Parental Leave at least 30 days in advance of the first day of leave, from The Standard our vendor and supply documentation of the birth. 

If you have questions reach out to

My baby is due or adoption will take place before the parental leave policy takes effect.  Am I eligible for parental leave retroactively?

No, the effective date of the policy is October 1, 2017.

I was just awarded guardianship of my nephew who is a minor.  Does this qualify for parental leave?

No, parental leave applies only to legal adoptions.

Do I have to take parental leave immediately following the birth of the child?  For example, my wife's mother will be staying with us for the first 2 weeks after the baby is born and I'd like to start my leave after she is gone.

Parental leave must be taken immediately following the birth or adoption of the child.

Can I take parental leave intermittently?

No, parental leave must be taken in a block of time.

Will Holidays or Winter Recess extend my parental leave?

No, Holidays, Winter Recess, or an Emergency Closure will not extend parental leave.  Employees on unpaid parental leave will not receive pay for University Holidays or Winter Recess.

What is the maximum duration of Parental Leave weeks allowed?

The duration of Parental leave is up to four (4) consecutive weeks.


Can I backfill the position while my employee is on parental leave?

No, an employee's job is protected while on approved parental leave.

What are my responsibilities as a supervisor while my employee is out on parental leave?

You are required to ensure your employee has applied for leave with The Standard.  You should let know when your employee is absent and when they return to work.

Does my employee need a note from the doctor when they return to work?

Yes, you will send the doctor's note to the Leave Coordinator when your employee returns to work, if your employee gave birth.

My employee just started 3 months ago.  Are they eligible for parental leave?

Yes, they will need to complete paperwork and may be allowed up to 4 weeks off.  However, it will be unpaid because the employee has not completed 12 months of employment with Tulane.

I have a part-time employee that is not eligible for benefits.  Are they eligible for parental leave?

Yes, the employee will need to contact and may be allowed up to 4 weeks off.  However, it will be unpaid because the employee is not eligible for benefits with Tulane.

Can I call my employees while they are on parental leave?

Yes, you can call your employee to check in and ask minor work-related questions in an emergency.  It is not recommended to ask an employee to work while on Parental Leave.

Will I be notified when my employee is approved for parental leave?

Yes, The Standard will copy you on the notification of leave approval.

Are librarians eligible for parental leave?

Yes, Librarians as well as Tulane staff, administrators, and postdoctoral fellows are eligible.

Will employees be required to show proof of parentage?     

Yes, employees will be required to submit appropriate documentation, such as birth certificates.